Friday, January 8, 2010

This makes me giggle uncontrollably. I also want to make it my outlook signature...

Thanks Alicia...

When I say I love pilates...

I mean I laaaaaa-ohhhhhh-vvvveeeee pilates. Specifically, at any real given moment I feel like doing this...

This is called the jackknife. And is probably one of the most relaxing things a person can possibly do. Try it, I dare you.

Things that make you go "RAWR"

The fucking sink at work. It was obviously installed by a mentally deficit dyslexic. NOT ONLY are the hot and cold labeled backwards causing me to scald my hand when trying to simply rinse, that's not even the best part.

The best part, my friends, my imaginary blogger audience - is that OFF = ON in this backwards topsy turvy world that this sink faucet installer man lives in.

That results ALWAYS in this:

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 Goals

So, my thing for New Years resolutions is that I try make a super well rounded resolution. I focus on the four parts of life: mind, body, heart and spirit.

So without further adieu, I will throw down my 2010 resolutions and get on with living.

OMG, I just heard someone fart at work. Nast. Moving on...

Mind: Complete at least 12 credit hours towards my communication degree which is SO FAR AWAY. ahem.

Body: Start running again, run a 5K by the end of the year

Heart: This one is tricky to put out in front of God and everybody, literally. So much of my heart and emotions are tucked safely away and kept only for me. In 2010, my heart resolution is to find peace. To pick a path that will make me happy.

Spirit: As always, I aspire to be more Christ-like. To be kind to others. To show others the comfort of believing in God and knowing He is in charge. Maybe I can find a niche at church - at best, I would like to attend a young chick retreat for church. I miss the focus that trips like that bring me. I also plan on volunteering for CASA, which will hopefully allow me to bring positive influence into a child's life.

So that's that. As always, I pray that this year brings happiness and health to those I love.

Through the clouds...

Tonight I saw the moon through the clouds, but it was still beautiful. It still shined bright. It was still the brightest light in the sky.

Although, I'm sure tomorrow when the clouds are gone it will be even better.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Things that make you go "ooooh"

Let me start off this blog, this new little puzzle piece of the complicated girl I am by saying this...

Work sucks without Louisa. She is my work bff. The "One" to my Cable. I really hate when she takes time off. In fact, I hate it so much I decide to start a whole new blog. Here's to you Louisa.

In other fucking news, prepare yourselves. You who don't exist, my fictious blog audience. Last night, December 25th, 2009 I ended my 15+ year throw up strike. I literally haven't thrown up since I was in 5th grade, which would have made me like 10 or 11. And even that one shouldn't REALLY count since I woke up out of a sound sleep and puked everywhere. Only incidents which involve will power and mind control count and so in that case I haven't thrown up since I was like 6. Yeah, that's how I'm counting it. Needless to say, I'm disappointed. Add to that it was due to drinking. Double disappointment. Add to that it was at my in-laws. Triple disappointment. Add to that my husbands aunt called him this morning to come clean up my throw up. Quadruple disappointment. God, I could go on. I am 310% unhappy with what transpired yesterday, Christmas Day. I'm sorry Jesus.

So yes, I'm cranky. I'm alone at work. Thanks Louisa. I'm killer hungover. And I've had this stupid cold for like a week now and I suck at chest colds.

Whine. Bitch. Moan.

Jenni's out...